EPLANT-Piping V 2023.0

Mayor changes in the last 14 versions

Listed below are the most important changes of the current version 2023.0 with respect to the 2009.0 one and between. Current version is compatible with AutoCADŽ from version 2004 up to 2024, both 32 and 64 bits. It is also compatible with ZWCAD from version 2020 up to 2024.

It contains the following changes with respect to the 2022.0 version:

It contains the following changes with respect to the 2021.0 version:

It contains the following changes with respect to the 2020.0 version:

It contains the following changes with respect to the 2019.0 version:

It contains the following changes with respect to the 2018.0 version:

It contains the following changes with respect to the 2017.0 version:

It contains the following changes with respect to the 2016.0 version:

It contains the following changes with respect to the 2015.0 version:

It contains the following changes with respect to the 2014.0 version:

It contains the following changes with respect to the 2013.0 version:

It contains the following changes with respect to the 2012.0 version:

It contains the following changes with respect to the 2011.0 version:

Changes with respect to the 2010.0 version:

Changes with respect to the 2009.0 version:


August 02, 2023.