The Isometric Material Take Off is automatically generated during the extraction process. It can be regenerated in any moment from the inside of the isometric file. It consists of a header block and text lines, one for each different material. It is very easy to change the format and content of the listing.

From the main Isometric Extraction window, selecting the Settings option corresponding to the Material Listing, the following window will open:

Isometric MTO Format/Settings: from 3D models

The MTO generation from an isometric file is activated with the menu option:
PD_ISO / MTO which opens a window similar to the previous one:

Isometric MTO Format/Settings: from Iso drawings

In this case, with the Execute option, the MTO is generated.

The Format option allows to modify the report format, selecting the fields that will show up in the report, their relative position and the header block. It is very advisable to configure the report format being in an isometric drawing, to be able to test it interactively. It opens the window:

Isometric MTO Format

If the report uses a header block, it must be a block placed in the project isometric symbology directory and have a name prefix MTO_H.
The report itself is made up by text lines that are generated downward starting at the report origin, defined in the General Seting option. The fields included in the report can be placed on two different text lines. The fields belonging to the first line come first, followed by those to be placed on the second line. If in the second line there is no information por a particular item, that line is skipped. Several fields can also be grouped together to trim trailing spaces. Follow the indications on the Help button.

If the report format has to be changed, the following procedure can be used.

Selecting the General Settings button, in the first window, we can configure other parameters:

Isometric MTO General Settings

In the case of report format modification, the report origin point will have to be modified also, to place the report at the right position with respect to the header block. Inside an isometric drawing we can set the origin also with the Pick button.
In this case it is also possible to modify text parameters and executing the MTO to check the exact definition of the report.
The Include Tag in MTO index option allows to differenciate those materials only different for the tag value itself. In this case the Tag field must be addeded in the format.

The report automatically generates also implicit elements associated with flanged ends, that is gaskets and studs. These elements don't show up explicitly in the 3D models and are generated using rules.

Selecting the Text Settings button, in the first window, we can configure other parameters, mainly related to the text used in MTO.

After exiting any of these setting windows with the Accept option, the following dialog box will open:

Writing Settings in the Project Setup ?

With the Accept option the new settings will be written in the project setup file, ensuring in this way, that all users will take these setting in the future. With the Cancel option the new settings will be active only in the current drawing session: the new setting will be lost opening another drawing file or terminating AutoCAD. This option is used during tests.

For Spools the Sheet Format can be different from the isometric of the whole line, as well as different Material Report Format and Text settings can be used.


Last updated April 29, 2014.