Documentation of changes with respect V2018.0
Listed below are the most important changes of this version with respect to the
former 2018.0 one. Current version is compatible with AutoCADŽ from version 2004 up to 2020.
Both 32 and 64 bits versions for AutoCAD are compatible with EPLANT-P&ID.
Current version is also compatible with ZWCAD+ 2015 SP2.1, ZWCAD 2018, ZWCAD 2019, ZWCAD 2020.
It contains the following changes with respect to the 2018.0 version:
- AutoCAD 2020. This EPLANT-P&ID version is compatible with the current
AutoCAD 2020 version.
- ZWCAD 2019 SP1. This EPLANT-P&ID version is compatible with the ZWCAD 2019 SP1 version.
It is not compatible with any other ZWCAD 2019 versions, and better use it with the current ZWCAD 2020.
- ZWCAD 2020. This EPLANT-P&ID version is compatible with current ZWCAD 2020.
- ZWCAD+ 2012, ZWCAD+ 2014 SP1. These versions are no longer supported.
- External Application Detection. The following new applications prefixes are filtered out:
Acad, AcAec, AcDb, ACA_. Added to previous ACAD.
- Error Corrections
- None
It contains the following changes with respect to the 2018.0 version:
- Error Corrections:
- Data Base Update An error, that could arise when setting the unique tags on the whole
project, has been fixed.
October 04, 2019.