Documentation changes with respect V2007.0
Listed below are the most important changes of this version with respect to the
former 2007.0 one. Current version is compatible with AutoCAD from version 2000 up to 2009.
It contains the following changes with respect the previous 2007.0 version:
- AutoCAD 2009
EPLANT-STH is now compatible with the latest AutoCAD 2009 version.
- Project Dimensional Catalogs. The dimensional catalogs and all component
definition files can now be project dependent and not shared among different projects.
Both options are supported.
- Appid Clean. New syntax for the Application Cleaner Command to be able
to call it from a script: (sth_cmd "APPID_CLN" "PATH") makes a clean copy of current
drawing file in the [project folder]\[path] folder with the same name.
- Active Section
Only sections with dimension table associated can now be set.
- Filter Dialog Box. Its use has been generalized and the new TABLE menu allows to
select the table that enters the filter.
- Save DBF to FoxPro Format. This option can save a DBF table in FoxPro format,
compatible with Excel 97 format.
- Compact DBF table. This option can erase all records marked for deletion from
a selected DBF table.
- System Codes Update. This option allows to import an update the information of
the systema tables from previous versions of the same: CMP.DBF, SEC.DBF, MAT.DBF and
December 18, 2008.